I would like to focus on some materials about communication is one kind of affective skills the teacher is teaching through his/her teaching and learning session, how the teacher teach the affective skill(s) or integrate the teaching of affective skills in teaching his/her subject, is it effective? Then, how this affective sides implemented with providing evidence and theory, what aspect that still to be improved? what kind of improvement that can be suggested.

            What I want to focus on here is about how the important of affective instruction has been integrated through implementing communication aspects. Basically, affective instruction is how the teacher gives the instruction by including values, knowledge, and skills to encourage students’ personal (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor) and social development (Tooman, Krathwohl, et. All:1964). And one of the skills that must be integrated is effective oral and written communication (Wesch, 2008), because in the school context, communication is a tool to link what the message or explanation that teachers want to deliver to the students.

            Fortunately, I had a chance to go to junior high school X at October, 11th 2013. As usual, in the national school I got many students in the classroom, most of the teachers did teacher-centered learning, the facilities were enough to support students’ learning, however because of small place students could not move easily even for walking. I took English class with senior teacher. And the materials that she taught at that time were about Recount text and a little bit introductions about Narrative text.   

While observation, I had experiences. I did observation based on my preparation (prior knowledge that I got in the classroom before and guidelines that lecture prepared). Actually there were a lot of expectations that I wish, but unfortunately almost my expectations could not be seen during the whole observations. In this paper I would like to explain about some problems.

First, Communication skills as the part of successful affective instruction could not be implemented well. It was because at the first time the teacher got some technical problems with her materials, so it broke students’ intention to learn and also teacher concentration to teach. So, in communication through giving command at that time, teacher forced two students to help her. With a little bit high voice, teacher asked students to bring other laptops even though took from other classes which students did not know how to borrow it, and called IT staff. If the help was demanded well, I thought that would not make students tired and lazy to help her.     

Second, in giving instruction teacher instruct the students with clear command, but without any motivating encouragement in the instruction, for example teacher just asked to one of the students “…..(students’ name) come forward and tell the story about 3 bears then translate it into Indonesian language!”. There was no “thanks and please” before and after when teacher gave instructions in her sentences. Not only that, some of students always asked again to make the teacher repeated the instructions. It was because of the noise (classroom was not conducive) or teachers’ instruction which was not clear. 

Third, in giving explanation teacher used LCD and computer. The materials were stated through Microsoft Word and display it to the students. It contains about definition of Narrative Text and Recount Text, the organizations, and the features of text. All of the materials were covered without any citations’ references. In addition, the students had to write the materials on their books. As the teacher stated that “You have to write it down into your notes and learn from your writing, because I will make these materials in your examination”.

Forth, there was no feedback after students did their work. Teachers directly moved to the next part of teaching. Without any subjectivity in writing the result of my observation, if I could conclude that the teacher came into the class with enough greeting (said good morning), directly asked students to retell the story, then teacher gave explanation not about Recount Text as teacher explained in the beginning class, but explained about the next topic which was Narrative text (means that how teacher organize the topic was not arranged well, because made students confused), students just wrote the slides from the teacher, after that teacher ended the class without any review or reflection session.  

Based on those problems, in my opinion there are a lot of difficulties in implementing 21st century learning in affective instruction. Many teachers decided to keep doing the method of learning (as like teacher-centered learning) is not because they are not capable of integrating affective education in the lesson. Anyhow, the curriculum has already asked to implement affective education, but the outcomes are not match. The curriculum outcomes do not support to apply affective education, for example UN (Ujian Nasional) as the final national standard it does not represent the appropriate outcomes of affective education. Because in UN is just valued based on cognitive aspect. Thus, the teachers are still not ready to implement full of affective education. Besides, many teachers have not any idea and confused how to apply and integrate materials with cognitive sides and affective education, social emotional or spiritual basis, even they have already tried to integrate those things in the lesson, but still the government takes a power which is the fact, the examinations are still assessed only based on cognitive skills.      

However, an advice that might be useful in that condition of the school is it will be better if the teachers applied affective education in the lesson although just in a small chance of time allocation. Change perceptions about the effectiveness of focusing cognitive skills into the importance of linking students’ lives. In simply suggested that it is about integrating between the lesson and students’ real life through authenticity materials. Even the fact, UN is as the outcomes, but to make students understand about surviving in their life is more important.

            In conclusion, the integration between affective instruction and communication skills are very important to be implemented in managing classroom. As a teacher candidate does not only teach in the classroom and then leave students behind, but also educate them to guide that every lesson has own importance and usage for students’ lives. The most important, when teachers deliver a new concept of things, they should emphasize clearly what the importance of this topic is, why as the students should understand and learn this topic, how and when the students can apply or implement this lesson. 

By: Nurul Noviana

resource 2


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    December 2013

